Surplus to Requirement

After watching a BBC1 programme last night featuring the Van Tulleken doctor brothers recounting their experience of one of them having had Covid and the other one working with patients who were in intensive care with it, I had a very wakeful night. It was not a programme for the faint hearted , telling as it did about all the complications that can be experienced during and after the disease. Scarey stuff to learn about as shops and leisure facilities begin to open up.

With time on my hands before I went for my morning coffee, I reorganised the resident flowers on my window sills. I have 2 Anthurium plants, one of which has graced a window for 9 years but is now so woody and unappealing that I decided it had to go....... not in the bucket yet, I’m not that cruel, but outside on the patio where it will die a lingering death as it becomes colder -I’m that cruel! In its place I put a much younger relation, all glossy leaves and healthy, and given to me by Magpie about 18 months ago
I saved one of the flowers from the old one just to provide a blip for today as I have nothing else to offer.

Apart from a bicycle delivery of an ice cream scoop at cock-a-doodle time to the doorstep of David and Luca and a 200yard hop skip and a jump for coffee at 10am I have not put another foot over the doorstep, but with a Zoom call and a long phone call, I don’t feel I have missed out on virtual contact today.

Outside,the exiled Anthurium will be wondering what’s hit it .....

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