Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Birmingham Nightscape

A day to recover from yesterday's exertions, lunch with L and then this evening I headed up to Barr Beacon for a project shot I've been planning for some time.  According to an infogram in Walsall Town Centre, Barr Beacon, at 774 feet is the highest point if you travel due east until you reach the Ural Mountains in Russia.

I took a shot of the war memorial (see extra) while waiting for the right conditions in the main shot.  For the main shot, there was only one particular spot where you could capture the scene without the power lines that run to the south of the beacon spoiling the view.  I must admit I felt a little exposed standing with the camera and lens on the tripod.  Despite the lack of housing nearby it was remarkably busy with (mainly) young people using the beacon for a late rendezvous.

I suggest you view large, particularly if you know the city as you can pick out most of its famous landmarks, with one notable exception of the Selfridges building, which is hidden from view by other buildings.  For that I'll have to plan a shot from the East Side.

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