Standing in the Rain

Mizzle descended as we walked out to Broad Water this evening with Meg and Jack.  While they were getting mucky down at the water's edge Jamie and I enjoyed the play of the light on the water as fish below disturbed it.  Golden light briefly lit the way we had walked and the hills beyond but we walked back in gathering gloom .... and mizzle.

Another gentle day ..... meaning not much got done!   I did make lists for our trip to Norfolk next week.  Jamie will see his Mum for the first time in six months and we have to carry on sorting and dividing the spoils accumulated over twenty eight years.   The garden, for so long my sanctuary, has not been tended this year .... will I laugh or cry?  Both maybe.  

It was nice to see our good friend around the corner today and hear exactly how she broke her elbow and wrist last week.  Nice to know she's on the mend.  Nice too to relax in the sun and chat ..... I need to relearn how to relax.

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