‘When conditions allow’

Today I had to read an academic article about the behaviour of rangers in the field on conservation projects. It was written in heavy language that felt the opposite of accessible. I had to message Michelle during it and use the ‘unamused face’ option on Skype. I’ve been feeling generally unamused with work today, but I don’t think the article was the sole cause. More the endless uncertainty of working remotely from the UK, with the most interesting and satisfying parts of the work (face to face discussions with partners, and field travel) not possible. Everyone is digesting last night’s presidential address, outlining when activities may return to normal in Mozambique. No clear information was included on international travel, only the statement ‘when conditions allow.’ The point of the address was to outline these conditions.

It was a warm, muggy evening and I left the house with no extra layer, which is a rare occurrence in the UK, even in summer. I ambled to a field and sat for a while, catching up online with the delightfully tanned Hannah, fresh from an epic and idyllic holiday in France. I was too washed out and unbothered about doing any more work when I returned to the house, which had been my original plan.

I’m not sure these punters appreciated me loitering on the bridge and capturing them somewhat creepily on camera as they glided past.

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