River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: #pavementplants ...

... spotted when I went for a short walk this morning - blue lobelia, black meddick, I think http://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/Flowers/M/Medick(Black)/Medick(Black).htm and the flowers on the lane - ox eye daisies, orange Crocosmia/montbretia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocosmia and red campion.
Chatted with our lovely neighbours on the corner who’ve got a puppy since last night, then old friends on the main road - so much traffic that we had to shout at each other!
Continued cleaning seed I’d collected over last few months, found a sheltered spot and it was a nice job to do but a few spots of rain and threat of storm. Seeds are for the Cottage Garden Seed Swap at the end of the year :-))
Weather got too hot for being outdoors so sat reading in a cool room!
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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