River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Globe Artichoke Flower ...

... with a bumblebee! This was the best shot I got, that bee was rummaging around, deep in the heart of the flower!
Another very hot day.
I sat outdoors to finish off cleaning the seeds for the seed swap, it was too hot!
In the shade of the trees this afternoon I gave the Bardsey eating apple tree it’s usual light pruning, just to keep it fairly dwarf and compact.
The runner beans which have become perennial were making good growth a few weeks ago, the slugs munched them during the very wet weather we had, but they’ve recovered and I saw a couple of flowers ... crossed fingers ...
Today’s family history job & success was adding my Lincolnshire ancestors to https://www.lostcousins.com
and it’s generated my first connection, such a shock/surprise that I haven’t followed it up yet ...
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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