River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Goodbye ...

... my dear old friends, we’ve been together for many years. And during those years we've done some mileage ...
I bought you when I was plannng a trip to Australia https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2523416 - MrD & I spent a month backpacking then came home via Singapore https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2592855 .
2 years ago we went to Dubai, MrD, the Boots and me - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2426094442365585072 coming back through the Suez Canal and the Mediterannean, we did a lot of walking and you never let me down BUT last summer my feet got wet as we crossed the beach and I knew our friendship was coming to an end, modern shoes cannot be re-soled :-((
I secretly bought another pair of boots, identical to my old friends, they are now completely broken in and sooooo comfy .....! 
There was another pair of boots:
Boots from a friend https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2191593376044813519
I apologise profusely for today's nonsense ... too much hot weather ...!
Humidity at 86° today, temperature in high 20s but took longer to dry the washing, some still damp :-((
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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