After last night's torrential downpours.

The air is fresher this morning. 
There is a breeze wafting in through the open patio door, as I drink my mug of coffee. 
How the garden has loved the rain which emptied from the storm clouds overhead yesterday evening, just as I was thinking I may have to water the roses once again.
I was standing outside in the heat and humidity as the first big drops and the sounds of thunder began. 
I retreated to stand just inside by the open back door, and watched the first welcome onslaught pouring onto the ground. 
How on earth do clouds retain all that moisture they acquire each day!
   The air being fresher and cooler the birds are back after a siesta yesterday, when they were nowhere to be seen except the wood pigeons. 
Mr Blackbird has come on to the bottom lawn for his sultanas, and the goldfinches are on the feeders. 
The squirrel is busy, the social group of sparrows are back, and the sun is breaking through the mistiness in the atmosphere. 
   28C forecast today. 
And, for any of you American blippers who look at my page, we watched the news live where Joe Biden introduced his chosen candidate for the Vice Presidency, Kamala Harris. 
  She will be no push over for Trump. A breath of fresh air!


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