Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Perhaps my Tuesday listlessness was explained by what happened later. Overnight Tuesday / Wednesday we had the most astonishing thunderstorm. which lasted for several hours. The sky would suddenly become very bright for what seemed like several seconds, but probably wasn't that long, and then there were the most loud, long and menacing rumbles of thunder. Then came the torrential rain. Lying in bed listening to it all had a certain fascination, before I finally dropped off to sleep with the various noises of the storm still rumbling away in the background.

Wednesday brought news of chaos caused by the floods, of the Union Canal having collapsed, of a house destroyed by a lightning strike and then the worse news of all, the train derailment near Stonehaven. As the day progressed, the news from there just got worse and then the tragic confirmation of lives lost and families bereaved. A really sad day.

In the late afternoon, I drove over to Drumpellier Country Park near Coatbridge and went for a walk there. My Blip today is of the peat bog that sits in one part of the park.

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