
Back home, we spent the day on various domestic tasks. For Mr A, that was mainly in the kitchen, preparing food for our guests P and E this evening. For me, it was shopping, fetching a prescription, and sorting out a bit of mess around the balcony garden. We're impressed at the continuing growth of the fuchsia, that can be seen in its April form in the top left hand corner of this photograph. It truly has taken over this pot. I'm not sure what's left underneath its luxuriant growth! I've also been dealing with an invasion of aphids on the chilli plant on the kitchen windowsill, taking advice from meles, of course.

We had a lovely evening with P and E, who were in town on their way to spend a week chilling out on Bute. I hope the weather is kind to them. Mr A's menu of hors d'oeuvres (actually that was me), pasties and salad, and blackcurrant icecream (made with blackcurrants from Munroist and Mr C) with raspberries went down well. Lots of catching up on lockdown stories, and such like, as well as the fun that they enjoy doing multi-lingual blended/co-parenting with a young person who sounds like a very bright spark indeed.

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