Life through the lens...

By ValC

The goldfinches have returned.

A foul day. Rain and more rain, but the garden is enjoying it.
Looked out of the kitchen window this morning, and was thrilled to see the four goldfinches on the feeders. One looks to be a youngster.
Now we have a new bird station I think we could do with some new feeders as they are looking rather shabby.

The lounge is now all back to normal.
Putting the books back I found a few I had forgotten about.
Will certainly be reading them again this winter.

It is now 7.30 pm and watching Country File with all the lights on. So dark. Doesn’t sound like we are going to have much better weather in the coming week. Won’t grumble about the hot weather again!

Have managed to back Blip the 8th Aug. and our visit to Runswick Bay.

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