Windmill 'Zelden Rust', Hooge Zwaluwe

'Zelden Rust' = 'Seldom Rest' ... 'Hooge Zwaluwe' = 'Ho-guh Zwa-lu-wuh'

Didn't MOOC today, for a change.  Odds and ends of housework instead, and some fairly long mails from The Viking.

Mid-afternoon, headed out to Hooge Zwaluwe to take advantage of the fair weather, cooler than it has been these past seven days but still too hot to do much.  It's actually fun hunting down these windmills because they're not always at easy-to-find locations.  You need to drive down ancient country lanes that are thankfully well-paved today, and Google maps is a convenient tool.  Not on my phone, of course, but at home, before I leave.  My phone is app-free and will remain so for as long as I can manage it.

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