Back to the usual

Today dawned dull and cloudy and I spent some (more) time with my plants. I put aside four Fatsia japonica to plant and tipped out my bowl of Narcissus cyclamineus as I'd promised some bulbs to Daughter One.  Soon after lunch a touch of drizzle was in the air and I took a few flower pictures before the weather changed for the worse.

This is a rather lovely velvet red/crimson antirrhinum planted in the trough on the deck; beside it, growing up the trellis, is Rhodochiton atrosanguineum, a climber from Mexico. This is usually grown as an annual, tho' I kept my plant over winter in the plastic box which passes for a cold frame here.

I've added a 'Quote of the Day' for some time now, so just for a break I'm going to do a 'Limerick of the Day.' I've written quite a few over the years so here's my first -

Limerick of the Day:

An inscrutable man from Hong Kong,
Wrote an incomprehensible song.
Indiscriminate rhyming,
Inappropriate timing,
And immeasurably, interminably long.

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