Those boats again!

Not a bad day to begin with, blue sky, white clouds and sunshine. Can't complain. I walked down to the town for a long-awaited haircut - it was beginning to annoy me and I was going to have to decide between a ponytail and a topknot! Not really, it wasn't that long!

I took quite a few pictures along the front with my Lumix, but for some reason most of  them were over-exposed - sometimes something gets changed without my knowledge and I can't work out what. I much prefer my Nikon DSLR but it is rather heavy! Anyway, this oft-repeated picture of boats at the North Pier will have to do today!

Rather duller this afternoon and a few drops of rain by 4.30. I planted a few shrubs out on the bank - three small Fatsia japonica and one quite large Rhododendron 'Fragrantissimum Improved'.  

I've decided to alternate a 'Quote of the Day' with a 'Limerick of the Day' in an effort to keep my brain alive! So today it's a -

Quote of the Day:

Weike Wang, ‘Chemistry’ -  “My mother has a theory about hair. It is that the longer the hair grows, the dumber a person becomes. She warns that too much hair will suck nutrients away from the head and leave it empty.”

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