If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Making hay while the sun shines.

I have no idea how I missed posting this, I had processed it but not posted.  Clickychick was out in the morning with their first client since lockdown.  In the afternoon she did the first run of the last week of the Couch to 5K.

We had been to the tip recycling centre and CC started her run from there.  I drove home got the bike out and cycled out to meet up with her.  As I was making my way back I noticed haymaking in the field with the church in the background.

Haymaking has changed massively during my lifetime I remember being in the fields near Lanthwaite Green farm as the adults turned hay with rakes and then loaded it into carts drawn by Clydesdales.  Once at the farm somebody would have the unenviable task of "mewing" the hay.  This entailed standing in the hayloft and packing the loose hay as it was forked (pitchforks) up.

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