Froggy Eyes

Ellie was with me again today; we got this frog photo at the pond. She was so excited to actually get to see the froggy eyes above the water. We watched them hop; one looked like he was walking on water as he hopped across a area of the pond. This one just stayed put; he seemed totally okay with us standing at the edge of the pond looking at him and taking lots of photos. Having a 2 year old around causes me to do and see things in a different way.

We had a busy morning....playing! Then we drove my big van to my daughter's house; she is pretty much moved out with a pod in her driveway......but she was stressing on fitting the last of the stuff in to the pod or her car or her boyfriend pickup and trailer. She sent home with me the contents of her freezer and refrigerator.....along with some plants in pots and misc stuff. My van was full except for my seat and Ellie's seat. I was able to put the stuff in our freezer (I threw out some of it) and refrigerator.....some good stuff I would have hated for her to throw out. Also, got everything else unloaded and found spots of it; she is going to be homeless for a few months, but planning to buy a house within a few months. The supply of nice 3 bedroom/2 bath homes is very limited or overpriced right now. She will come to the beach house for awhile and is renting a motorhome for an extended trip. She is going to enjoy this time of homelessness, but today she was a bundle of stress.

I hope all of you are well and embracing whatever limits you have on your lives right now. We are the fortunate ones; we have a camera and a place to connect with many wonderful people everyday with a photo. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to have this place for purpose and connection. Thanks everyone.

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