Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Back to work

Well never did I think that this year would pan out the way it did. I started 2020 with the most amazing holiday of my entire life, and being opened to a while to way of travelling and really enjoying myself. I honestly think Florida changed my life and I am absolutely aware of how lame that sounds.

So obvs corona comes into play and ruins everything. Not only did I think this wouldn’t happen but when work closed I was so buzzed because who doesn’t want a few weeks off, paid?! I had so many jobs I wanted to do and sort loads of stuff out with the house so to be honest it was all going pretty good!

Now, you all know I lost my job because I’ve harped on about it. Anyways, I start my new job on Monday and I am SCARED.

I am not scared to meet new people. I am not shy and I simply do not care what other people think of me. I am unapologetically myself. But what I am scared of, it’s getting back into a routine. For so so long I’ve been getting up at like 10am just wandering about in my pyjamas for weeks on end. To think I’ll be getting up, wearing a bra everyday??? Makeup everyday?? Don’t even get me started on wearing tights again. I don’t think my legs have recovered fully since I stopped in April. Setting an alarm for 7am to me right now is giving me heart palpitations quite frankly. Not because I’m lazy, because I’m not really, if I need to go somewhere I will do it. I think it’s the thought of being exhausted and I know that feeling of working all day and wearing your customer service face and being absolutely knackered. That’s going to be so tough getting back into it.

Oh and I also have to learn everything all over again but I don’t remember what glasses are nor how to work a computer.

Monday will be fun.

Wish me

Happy Blipping

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