Town Square Happenings

Apart from a quick half-hour in the forest picking a fresh litre of bilberries today was spent mostly in town. Our local Vänsterpartiet, the Left Party, was having it's first get together for the autumn and in view of Covid we met on the town square. We ate really nice food from Hippie, the Vegan Caravan and listened to a set of covers sung by two local musicians. They were very happy to be playing again after a summer of non-gigs where their work just disappeared. It was a lovely way to start up the political season and it felt good to be able to support our local musicians and food providers!
The sun shone and the wind blew so everyone felt both warm and safe.
This year's local Pride festival was also cancelled but the town decided it was Pride Saturday anyway so there were plenty of colourful rainbow flags in evidence.
The two buildings you see here are the (smaller) town's art gallery and the Residence where the County Governor lives.
Once that was over we headed home again to welcome Jonas and Morag who stayed over after dropping their sun off at a school 6 hours drive north of here.  There were adventures with the bottle of prosecco they brought with them, but Jan has recounted that so I won't repeat here.

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