Not my Focaccia

After sharing breakfast with our departing guests, and doing a little light gardening, we headed into town for a Jacob's join meal at Rose's.
There were 6 of us there and we had all worked at the same distance-teaching school for quite a few years, except Janet who worked nearby and often dropped in to eat lunch with me, and so became one of the gang.

Marie provided this wonderful focaccia bread, which I considered to be so beautiful it required a photograph. I really liked the idea of the "flowers" made of onions and red peppers and pressed into the dough before baking. Marie recommended a certain type of flour, only available at the co-op, and we stopped there on the way home to buy some fresh yeast and some of that flour.

Once I've blipped this I'll be checking out recipes to see how to create something like this bread, and deciding if it's going to be sourdough or fresh yeast bread.

Hopefully they'll be more information in a future blip.

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