
thank you for the reassurance yesterday

I've been thinking about the joy of puppies. Some kittens bring the same youth/vitality/enthusiasm but dogs are so determined and desperate for love and interaction that I think they work even better. (Feel free to object with a story of a rambunctious kitten.) They will not let you be sad. They will climb on you and lick your face until you cheer up. They will demand that you pet them and play with them until you give in. When they get older they calm down a bit but they always wag their tails when you come home. 

They bring exuberance and joy and love and that is why they are in massive demand during this pandemic. Their energy emanates and envelopes. I understand every single puppy in every developed country has been adopted (not intended as a statement of fact) and hopefully the older dogs are finding homes too - because while older dogs might be potty trained, they need homes too. 

They sleep with you. They snuggle with you. They give you someone to touch. You feel vicarious happiness when they play with their favorite toys. 

I described Sam's friend Tally as love incarnate and Samuel as joy incarnate. Samuel is now 13 and he sleeps a lot more and he runs less and more slowly, but he is still joy incarnate. 

Wolves became dogs with us, but we also evolved with them. 

Good luck this week.

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