Mono Monday: Male or Mail...

....the question actually is Male or Female?  The Northern Mockingbird genders look exactly alike except that the female is slightly smaller, so they are unlike many birds where the males are much more colorful. They actually lend themselves quite well to black and white conversion as they are already grayscale.  This was taken this morning at Lake Artemesia where my husband ran and I walked until the heat got to us.  

I have taken several workshops recently on black and white photography and I am a bit overwhelmed by all the different ways to convert digital images. I used several techniques here, all in Photoshop.  

After these workshops, I decided to go back to some of my photos from Death Valley last fall and practice.  I have loaded a couple of those in extra. It all helps to pass the time. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday and there is an optional theme of "Mystery Macro."   The tag is TT274.  I hope you will join in,

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