Journey Through Time

By Sue


I know, I know, I've blipped Townsend's Warbler's several times, but I had the camera outside, on the tripod, as there was a lot of bird activity, and this guy lands on the feeder right in front of me. So....this is the best photo of this warbler I have EVER taken. And since I didn't get anything else, I think this is it.

I do have to tell you that in my cleaning out, I came across two little wallets, the kind of decorative ones that purse makers will throw in with the purse so you are thinking you are really getting a good deal, but the little wallets aren't all that useable. I thought I would just put them into the "donate" box and then I went to make sure they were empty, and WOW, my jaw dropped as I found $70 in one of the little purse/wallets. I can't even tell you if I had saved that money and stashed it away, or if it was left over from a little vacation and just got forgotten about, or what. But, it is now in a safer location and put in with the other money we got for turning in coins and earmarked for a coast trip or something like that. Something fun.

The promised afternoon sun never really materialized and it became a bit of a dreary day. Finding the money made this a fun day, but other than that, pretty quiet around here. Yesterday our son came over for dinner and a visit, along with auntie. He's doing great in his new place and loves his 4 minute commute time.

That's about it, kids. Better go. Are you watching the Grammy awards? We might check in on it to see what's happening. I said earlier that we wouldn't, but I changed my mind.

Catch ya later...

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