Intensive Care of Bee

I spotted this bee on our patio this morning, crawling around looking very sorry for itself. It looked as if it had run out of fuel. So I went for our honey pot - it was supposed to contain liquid honey, but it had crystallised so I popped a little on the ground next to the bee, with a few drops of water to start dissolving it.

Immediately the bee started sucking the liquid up with its proboscis: it continued for a few minutes, so I had time to go and get my camera and fit the macro lens. (I assume the neighbours didn't see me lying prone on the patio as no-one called an ambulance.)

After a few minutes it stopped and looked around but didn't seem keen to move so I left it for a while. When I came back it had disappeared completely with no trace, so I assume it had flown away.

Since then I've realised that I did the wrong thing - as I've looked up what to do with stranded bumble bees and apparently you're not supposed to give them shop-bought honey. Oh well, I thought I was doing the right thing. I hope it''s OK! At least I got my blip. As usual it looks best large.

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