Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Into the light ...

Strangely challenging, to write two entries on the same day; it's like these days when something - usually exhaustion, or feeling ill - stops me from writing my diary at night (yes, I keep one of these two - have done since I was 10) and I have to catch up the next evening, having forgotten to do it earlier in the day ...

But there you go. After the sail yesterday, I was so sleepy even after I woke that I sat for an hour in bed drinking tea, looking out at the sunlit Firth, listening to sonnets and catching up on Twitter and even some actual news sites. Then I found that the laundry basket had miraculously filled itself with dirty clothes, so I took them down with me for breakfast - even got them hung out on the line by the time I'd washed up. I had a phone call from the company that looks after our investments - I'd left a scathing message on their portal about their insistence on sending documents only to Mr PB instead of to me, or at least to both of us. Then I had a quick visit from my pal, for coffee and some actual chat time together in the garden.

By the time we were ready to go for a walk - much needed, after standing so much yesterday - the sun had vanished in Dunoon. However, we headed north out of town and found ourselves just emerging from under the grey as we left the car in Glen Massan. My photo shows the village, through its arch of trees, with the blue sky and the still-warm sun: a reminder that it is still August, even though now, at almost midnight, I think the temperature outside is in single figures.

Today's blood-pressure raisers: some chat online about Westminster threatening the autonomy of Scots Law (need to check what that was about) and watching a bit of Trump's speech to the Democratic Unmasked Undistanced Convention. That tone of voice - like a ham preacher getting fake emotional ...

What would happen if everyone listening just ...laughed aloud at him?

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