
We must have twenty or thirty or more young sparrows visiting at the moment.  I think some of them may be part of our home brood from the squatters, and the trees out the back.
If we have some offcuts we usually  put them out for the birds.  They like it as a change/top-up from the seed feeders and fat blocks, but it has to be our home cooked wholemeal bread.  They won’t touch the shop stuff, not that we have had any since last year sometime.
They congregate in the hedge under the living room window, and make a heck of a racket sometimes. This years brood have taken to popping up through the top of the hedge, and disappearing head first down again.  We first saw this in the tree overlooked from our bedroom window.
Shot taken through a double glazed window (which could have been cleaner).
I’ve just realised that it is Saturday - how appropriate.

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