Sunday's painting...

... In ZenBrush2 a beach scene, painted with my finger.
Just playing. Thinking while I am doing it.

I did, many years ago enrol for a painting course at Croxteth Hall.

We had to do a painting of a tree in a landscape.
I only attended the first one, because the tutor looked at my painting, and said to me, 'I don't know what you are doing here, you're a better painter than me.' She told me she was jealous of me. And she didn't guide or criticise my painting and walked away. But she gave everyone else guidance. I wanted guidance which is why I went. I wanted to be taught how to paint.

But I was determined to come away with something, so I stopped painting, and watched what she was saying to the others. I was lipreading where I could. And the best bit of advice that she gave someone, that I took away from that lesson was she was telling them their tree was flat, and to do bigger leaves at the front, and smaller leaves at the side in order to give the shape of the tree and depth. I try to apply that thought, but in a more general way to my paintings.

I know I haven't painted trees in this imaginary beach scene, apart from the driftwood, but I painted the painting, and then I asked myself questions, on how to achieve a more 3 dimension to the rocks, and also asking myself where was the light source. The painting still seemed a bit flat, and then I remembered what J told me. He had pointed out that often there is a dark line where the sea meets the sky. So I incorporated that darkness, and now there was more depth to this painting. So that is my thinking processes!

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