
By JennyOwen

Dozing in the sun

Milly (the family pony) will be leaving for a new home soon, as outlined in previous entries. We're just not giving her as much exercise as she really needs to stay healthy. If all goes well, she'll be moving on Sept 10th.
Today I went up to the yard where she lives at the moment, and spent some time with her. I'd hoped to exercise her in the small outdoor arena, but it was being used and so I decided to come back and do that tomorrow when it will be quieter.
Once I'd fed Milly and turned her back out in the field, I went to visit this pony: Frenchie.  By breed, she's a Camargue pony, historically raised to help with herding cattle on the sandy and windsept expanses in the south of France.  Not that Frenchie has ever seen those particular sights herself...
Frenchie used to be in the same field as Milly, but is now in a different one because she needs a different diet (less plentiful grass, in particular). But F and M still miss each other, and call out to each other when nearby.  Horses form very long-term bonds with each other, their herd mates are their security really.
I stood by Frenchie for a while, just breathing and listening to her breathe.  She's not usually one to want much fuss, but this morning she stood quietly and licked my hand for a few minutes.  Perhaps she sensed the traces of all the week's stress and tension.  After a while she stretched and yawned and we said goodbye... I left her dozing in the sunshine.

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