
By KatesGardenPDX

Hot, hot...getting hotter!

And seemingly we'll be hot for a while...well into next week. The forecast is for highs in the low to mid-90's F for every day starting tomorrow through next Thursday. Ugh. Most days the temps will fall into the high 50's at night. It seems unusual for early September - I thought we were done with heat! At any rate, it is what it is I suppose. 

A pleasant day today of a horrid game of golf, saved only by paring the final hole (which is a tough par 5...I was tickled. Darned game.) I picked up a grocery order, and did a lot of grading. Then out to the garden to see what I could see. Low and behold, this little Cabbage Butterfly - which has been flitting around all summer - found the Butterfly bush. I have a dwarf, sterile form called 'Blue Chip' since the species is invasive here in western Oregon. It all looks so cool and lovely!

Tomorrow I'm off to Vancouver early to take my parent's ancient cat to the vet for her semi-annual geriatric cat check up :-)

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