Ella giving a Grandad “the look”

A bad start to the day when Mr C was in the Co-op at 7 am and was threatened by a young man with a Glasgow accent. He was prancing up and down aisles the wrong way and not wearing a mask. Mr C asked it he had one and got threatened with being taken outside if he had a problem. Mr C explained quietly that he was over 70 and at risk whereupon he was told “why the F should I care,, arsehole”. You can have him back Nicola

Things improved and we had a lovely catchup with the daughters, their children and our niece and Her 2 boys. Luckily we were all able to be in the garden as the Covid numbers are already at a critical level in South Tyneside when #3 daughter will be teaching next week and also rising fast in Newcastle and North Tyneside. Today might have been my last cuddle with this lovely lass.

Thank you for your kind comments re my foot. Already I am more mobile than #3 daughter with her sprained ankle. She is really hobbling. I’m just using the crutch for steps and stairs and my leg is getting more attention from Mr C in many a year as he gets it encased with the bin bag for my shower.

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