Day 168 On high alert!

It wasn't warm enough to sit out today, so I occupied myself with giving the main bathroom a good a clean and sorting yet more laundry, while Mr MC umpired his first hockey match of the season.  Later this afternoon I wandered into the garden to find something to blip and of course I was quickly joined by our Gardening Inspector.  As she came towards me, a dog belonging to the neighbours who live at the foot of our garden (behind me) began to bark.  This was of course the signal for Peggy Sue to adopt her several 'high alert' poses.  For some reason she kept looking behind her, when the sound was behind me.  Perhaps she thought that there might be a surprise attack to her rear: who knows how a cat's mind works.
I thought that this particular shot would give you all a further chance to view Mr MC's immaculate lawn!  ;-))

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