A time for everything

By turnx3

Mono Monday: Over and under

I hadn’t particularly been planning on doing the Mono Monday challenge today, but I had remembered the theme was Over and under, so as we were passing over this bridge with the stream flowing underneath, it dawned on me that would work well for the challenge, so here you are! We were cycling today, on our tandem, on the Cardinal Greenway trail in Indiana, which runs about 70 miles from Richmond in the south, through Muncie to Marion in the north, through corn and soya bean country. The temperature again was very comfortable, and it was dry, but there was a lot more cloud cover than yesterday. Despite today being a national holiday, Labor Day, there weren’t that many cyclists out today, though amongst them we did see a couple of other tandems. This evening we had a cook-out, with hot dogs and hamburgers and some home made potato salad.
Thanks to Black Tulip for hosting!
Thanks for stopping by!

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