Remember Your Space Number

By now you probably have seen a few pictures of the skies in California and Oregon. It's like that only worse. I could not get the camera to show how lurid and awful it is, thick and dark, everything tinted a sickly yellow. We must find a word other than apocalypse. This is at 230 in the afternoon. Later on it got redder. The cats are sleeping more, and seem subdued. So many stories of people oversleeping because the sun never came out. So many raspy throats and sandy eyes and stuffy noses.  Hard to tell Covid from just regular body freak-outs. Masks, the serious kind. Air purifiers. Stay inside. 

I practiced the piano later in the day. Had to find a lamp that could reach over there, otherwise I couldn't see at all. Usually the light from the window is enough. The stucco house across the street glowed red.I had the sense of being on the Titanic, playing louder and louder as the water rose.

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