Thoroughly boring snap out the window at work, before it gets too dark out there. Traffic on the Kessock Bridge didn't appear to be too bad today, after all the gloomy predictions. Then again, the schools are on half-term holiday this week, and many folk have made alternative travel arrangements.

Daft things today were: myself - for starting work early; working through lunch, and finishing late... when it looked to be really nice outside. Also for, not only cycling for the first time in a while, but going swimming in the evening too. The later being a struggle, with various bits stiff after Saturday's kayaking trip. An early night was required, "I'll deal with the day's feeble Blip tomorrow..."

Other daft stuff:

1) Folk not heeding the clear new signs, saying that the backroad I cycle on, is not to be used as a thoroughfare for the duration of the bridge works (by motorised traffic). Two cars overtook me... before having to come back again. I liked the way it was being enforced. The "naughty persons" only found out they were being monitored about a mile up the road, and then had the hassle of trying to turn around (on a single track road) and head that mile back to the main road. I spoke with the young lad there - he'd had a busy morning, and this before 08:00am.

2) The press with all their cameras (stills, and video) were gathered at the roundabout to the South of the Kessock bridge... after the obstruction. If they'd gone to the other side of the bridge, they might have seen the effects of the works. But that would've taken some effort/footwork. At least the local radio presenter, Nicky Marr (from MFR) had the savvy to realise this, and was walking towards the bridge as I hurtled down the cycle/footpath. Had to bawl at the press loons, to get them to wake up and move from their obstructive position on said path. Couldn't help but snigger at the thought they may have been recording, as some rude cyclist shoited (Oi!) at them. The more polite bell, had had no effect.

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