Jumping spider

It's been a dreary old day today. I took Abe for a walk first thing, before the promised rain. The rain didn't really happen; we've had the odd shower, but nothing really substantial yet. It's just started to be a bit more consistent, so I've decided to attack the laundry cupboard as I can never find anything in there.

This teeny spider (about 4mm long) was just hanging about on the wall. This image is flipped 90 degrees to the left. It was concentrating on a fly just to my left. I was ready to leap away if it jumped. I'm not a big spider fan but these guys just have so much personality!

I just bought a teapot to replace the one Nikau broke a while ago. I'm looking forward to being able to sit and enjoy a pot of tea - herbal, of course - once it arrives. I treated myself to a new mug too.

MrB is at work today; he's been doing 6-day weeks for a while now. He usually falls into a heap on a Saturday night.

Right, better get back to my cupboard tidy, or it will all just get shoved back in! 


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