Brass Castle

Friday - and the forecast was for sunny intervals later in the afternoon. Which indeed there were. And despite the blustery weather it was rather pleasant to sit outside the Dreadnought for a teatime sup. I’d been briefly joined by the son and was relieved he wasn’t wearing jogging bottoms at least, as anyone sporting them is famously barred from the premises. Though sometimes I fear that jogging bottoms are actually a state of mind which no change of trousers can disguise. As an upshot, the SK offered to join me. 
"Want a chum?” she enquired, before quickly adding, "It’s ok if you don’t!”
I should have given greater weight to the obvious nuance, but instead answered, "Would love one!!” 
To which came the reply, “Really?”

And dear reader, I actually really did. And she came along all that way!  

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