Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Here's lookin' at ... me!

Total emergency blip, I'm afraid. The birds weren't cooperating, the cats weren't cooperating, there were no flowers or bugs and I was low on inspiration. So, you get my eyes. BOO!

For years, the only makeup I insisted on wearing was mascara - wouldn't leave the house without it. I always thought my eyes were my best facial feature. Then, after six hours in the operating room five years ago, I awoke with half of my face paralyzed and one eye that wouldn't blink or close ... or do anything, really. I had a Monty Python eye - all big and wide open and ... staring! And, because I couldn't blink or produce tears with my right eye, I couldn't wear mascara. Turns out that I've saved quite a bit of money not having to buy mascara, and I've learned to like my eyes just fine without it. And, I can blink again, which is really nice. And, mostly, my face moves pretty well and looks okay.

So, I feel okay about a bit of an SP today. Here's lookin' at ... YOU!

Second round of PT this afternoon. Too soon to claim victory, but it feels good to be taking some positive action and I am confident that it will work. Next session is Thursday --- Happy Valentine's Day to me. :)

Okay, Hubs is due home soon from his most recent trip so I am going to sign off and pour two glasses of wine so we can toast life together.

Be back later.


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