Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bring it ON!!!

Team Blue Jay took to the Stadium today and, folks, it was breathtaking! They cleaned up in the Peanut relays and the only stumbling block they hit was with the mourning doves in the corn eating competition. Still, it was a banner day for our Team Blue! They have given a press conference saying that they plan to medal in some events tomorrow, too - so stay tuned! I haven't the heart to tell them that they've got stiff competition from Team Blue Jay in Michigan!

In other Olympic news today...
The Mourning Doves medaled in the Dove-Jumping competition - boy, what a nail-biter that one was!
The Cooper's Hawk delegation showed up for the Balance Beam...
While the Grackles looked outstanding in the Slopestyle iceboarding event (seriously, when have you seen form like this???)
The tree sparrows are heavily favorred to win the Short-Glide program...
whilte the juncos are still in the top spot for the Long Glide Event
Big news at the Games ... Team Wild Turkey showed up with their full contingent of 11 for the Ice Hockey finals. Unfortunately, someone threw corn out onto the ice which totally wrecked their concentration. They ran off into the woods, promising to be back tomorrow with a better strategy...
And much to this reporter's delight, Team Squirrel finally showed up for the games. They were just checking things out today, taking a little time to remove some pesky plastic from one of the peanut feeders ... but they promise to return.

And because no day at the AOG would be complete without a scandal...Dusky from Team Junco tried to put the moves on Hermione from Team Mourning Dove. I think you'll agree that her look sums up her feelings on the situation. She's as yet undecided as to whether she'll file an official complaint...

I am very pleased to see that the Search function is now working and you can catch up with all the happenings at the AOG around the globe by doing a search for "tagged AOG" or just Click HERE. And, people, keep the reports coming in - these Alternative Olympics are a long way from being over!

In more mundane news ... we are bracing for Winter Storm Pax which is expected to dump somewhere between 6 and 14 inches of snow on us before it moves out Friday morning. Yikes. Glad we have plenty of food for the athletes... (and the humans).

Be safe out there, and Happy Hump Day!

Your intrepid AOG reporter, signing off...

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