Lichfield Cathedral

We left Northumberland this morning and headed down to the village of Cawood, near Selby, to meet my old school friend John and his wife Jane in the pub their daughter manages. It's 56 years since John & I first met when we started at Bromley Grammar School and this is only the third time we've met in person since we left school, but we correspond every year at Christmas and, when we do meet up, chat as though we do it every week.

Today was no exception and we enjoyed a very sociable couple of hours before we set off again for Lichfield where we are breaking our journey overnight. I chose Lichfield partly because I'd never been here before but mainly because I'd seen Orchid99's photos of the cathedral and thought what a lovely place it looked - and it is!

We arrived late afternoon and took a stroll around to the cathedral here just as the light was fading before enjoying  tapas and a drink or two.

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