Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I think it's dead!

Sunday today and a day off church as Joyce was here. The weather this weekend hasn't lived up to the promise of the forecast of 20°and sun. Instead we had 16°, winds and rain for most of the day.
We had a fairly quiet day, Joyce met a friend for brunch and a walk and I dropped in to see blipper HazelH. I'd to visit a house just 100m away from them so took the chance to drop off a long promised seedling blackcurrant bush for their garden. It's looking a bit sad but I think that's because it's been in a pot for around 4 months! I'm sure it will survive though and come back fighting fit and ready to add to their new fruit border. If not I've got another one. It was nice to sit and chat with them over a cup of tea and jam tarts! I was able to admire the garden work going on - which I've been following on blip. Looking forward to the grand opening.
I picked some runner beans today as usual - you have to wonder how this bean managed to grow to 15" without being picked before now (see extra) I put one down for Cleo to investigate and to use as a size comparison! I love her expression!
We had some extremely tasty broad beans in parsley sauce for dinner. I love fresh veg.
This evening Joyce and I went to run Katy home after her weekend day shift. She should have finished at 9.30pm but couldn't get away until 10.25pm. Notes etc have to be written up and there's often not enough time to do them while on duty, so needs must. A 12.5 hour shift is long enough though, they shouldn't be expected to extend it to 13.5 or sometimes even longer. It was nice for Joyce to get a chance to see her even just for the duration of the car trip. All three of us wearing masks and with the car windows open as I drove her home. We just avoided the two household restriction by an hour and a half, but took care to be safe anyway!
Up early tomorrow (for me at anyrate) to get Joyce to the station for her 8am train. Its been good to see her, hopefully it won't be too long till next time. We miss Joyce the Jolly Joker as Eilidh dubbed her on Friday!

Start safe everybody, FACTS is still our mnemonic

Steps today only 6500

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