
By simisue


We rarely use the dog crates, but sometimes Angus likes to
take a nap in his.  When it gets to be a wild rumpus with our grandchildren, Scout will retreat to her crate.  They are located where all the action happens.

Our Air Pollution Control District has reinstated the AIR QUALITY ALERT
until Thursday, for the wildfire "drift smoke." There is a yellow glow in the sky & a faint scent of smoke, which are signs the air quality is getting unhealthy.  In the US, this website, will give local air quality for every 
zip code:

Presently, we are lucky to not be in danger of the fires currently burning in 
Southern California.  When the Santa Ana winds start again, my anxiety
will increase..  For now, if we stay inside, we are safe.  I have plenty to do, so that is not a problem.

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