Lady of Shalott

Monday morning again.  BB got himself a little more organised this morning and left in good time. Probably because he can’t run to school while carrying his cello.  I had a busy day, but I am not sure how much I achieved,.  Lots of calls and lots of things started, which I have jotted down in my to do list as I need to move them on tomorrow.
I popped out for some fresh air after my quick lunch.  It was remarkably mild again, though had been really grey all morning again.  It did brighten up significantly, and the wind has drooped.  BB came home from school and he was starving.  He was about to tuck into this week’s packed lunch provisions when I had to warn him that if he ate it all now, he would have a rather meagre lunch for the rest of the week.  This only meant he went in search of something else to eat.
Once I had logged off, TT appeared to see to see to tea, so I went out for my walk while it was still daylight.  It was still very mild and I soon felt like I was overdressed again.  BB had football training and I made soup for tomorrow’s lunch.
This is TT’s rose – he has been nurturing it.  It’s a variety called the Lady of Shalott after the poem by Lord Tennyson.  However he calls it Jo.  Don’t ask!! You also get a glimpse of our new peacock blue  front door.

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