Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Flat as a pancake..

I missed yesterday's pancakes....forgot.

I woke this morning feeling like one....flat! Mid February strikes! Don't get me wrong, it's not that I know it's mid way and therefore I should be glum and out of sorts, it is only now that I've figured out why I feel so .....well, flat!

Not my usual spring out of bed, nearly didn't do my exercises, stumbled round the house mumbling to myself.....shocking state of affairs!

The daily process of cleaning ice of the windscreen didn't help, however the lightening sky and soft pastel hues coming from the East brought a warm glow. By the time I had parked the car and gotten on my bike my mood was lifting, add to that a pounding ride in and 'Hey Presto'! back on form.

I started the first of the drawings last night and it has come along nicely, once the main focus point has been done (the face and head) all the rest is plain sailing! Now that I have made a start it will fly along!

Wednesday, so at the climbing wall, then off to work......

Mmmmm, even though I'm feeling brighter.....still feels like its going to be a humdrum day!

Lets crack on with it then :)

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