The Critters are Coming Back....

Although the air quality is still very bad (Very Unhealthy at 268 as of this minute 5:11 pm PDT) it doesn't smell as smoky outside this afternoon. In fact, when I went out to the garden to take a blip I didn't even wear a mask GASP! I've been wearing a surgical mask because it filters some of the smoke. I think the light at the end of this smoky tunnel is beginning to gleam! 

Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' (Fireworks Goldenrod) has been magnificent in my garden this year. Unfortunately last week during the windstorm last week (that fueled so many wildfires) it toppled over and it's been too smoky to go stake it up. But the pollinators don't care. I saw tons of them today - what a marvelous sign! This is a Locust Longhorn Borer, which I didn't see last year. I love that it matches the goldenrod :-)

I'm feeling so optimistic about the forecasted rain. Around 3/4 of an inch between tonight and Friday night. Hopefully it will help the firefighters with the wildfires, and clear out the smoke here in the Willamette Valley. I think I might even have to go out and do some gardening in the rain.

So tomorrow's blip will REALLY be a Drippy spray bottle required!

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