Yn y siop goffi

Yn y siop goffi ~ In the coffee shop

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Aethon ni i'r siopau yn y pentref heddiw.  Rydyn ni'n prynu’r rhan fwyaf o'n fwyd yn 'Iechyd Da' ac ychydig o bethau yn y Co-op. Rydyn ni'n hoffi 'iechyd Da' oherwydd rydyn ni'n gallu prynu cymaint neu gyn lleied o bopeth, hefyd maen nhw'n cefnogi cynhyrchydd Cymreig lle maen nhw'n gallu.  Fel bonws, rydyn ni'n gallu ymarfer ein Cymraeg hefyd.

Aethon ni i siop goffi ar ôl siopa. Mae'n bron fel 'hen amseroedd' ac eithrio mae mwy o bobol yn gwisgo mygydau, mae'r caffi yn cael ei lanhau'n fwy rheolaidd, ac mae mwy o le rhwng y byrddau. Rydw i'n credu efallai ein bod ni'n dod i arfer â'r sefyllfa.

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We went to the shops in the village today. We buy most of our food at 'Iechyd Da' and a few things at the Co-op. We like 'Iechyd Da' because we can buy as much or as little of everything, also they support a Welsh producers where they can. As a bonus, we can practice our Welsh as well.

We went to a coffee shop after shopping. It's almost like 'old times' except more people are wearing masks, the café is being cleaned more regularly, and there is more space between the tables. I think maybe we're getting used to the situation.

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