Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today wasn't a usual work day. One (more) of my coworkers had her last day today, so we had a mutual 'fika' and she got some gifts from the greenhouse. She was a bit sad, but life goes on. And another former coworker turned up. She had her last day when I was home sick, so I didn't have the chance to say bye. We hugged for a long time. It was nice to see her again. 
As (almost) usual, I made bouquets. And after doing cute ones with dahlias, zinnias and greens, I went a bit wild and crazy. I used longer stemmed zinnias and bound them with a confidence I didn't have before. I made two with green kale in them, just the one kale, and a bunch of flowers and greens. I felt free, kind of, and lost the 'do it perfect'. I have no idea if anyone will like them, but I would buy them. :) 
As we had much to do before the 'fika' my boss will show me how to make a tree-like stem on a money tree next week instead. If there's one with a straight stem already. So, I will blip the process then. :) 
The plan for the weekend is to make some food for lunches during the week ahead. Then I'm open for whatever comes to my mind. :)

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday, yet again. :)

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