The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Finding Eden

Eden is a Polish cafe  we stumbled across in Cheltenham. I went over to help Dave fill in an online form, which took all of five minutes. After we'd looked at my Christmas card samples, we went to town, parked, and found this restaurant on the way to somewhere else!

I had the potato pancake (we used to call it bramborak in Czech republic) with mushroom sauce and three trillion heaps of coleslaw and tomato salad. None of that nouvelle cuisine malarkey, you get a plate heaped to the rafters!

We sat and chatted for ages, while others came and went. I liked the place because of the simple decor, the laid back vibe, and the space. No overcrowding or worrying about social distancing.  The food was excellent too.

Afterwards I wandered around the shops but did not buy anything. I wonder if I will get back to Cheltenham. Another type of lockdown seems inevitable now.

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