New Moon, Ancient Sky

I don't know if this qualifies as a mono, but the smoke tainted crescent moon was much more interesting than the black and white version. This shot is SOOC.

According to my handy AQI (Air Quality Index) app our air quality is currently 98 or 'moderate'. This is certainly an improvement over last week when it was off the charts (over 500) and we dared not even venture out the door for any reason.  there are still a lot of fires burning on the West Coast but the worst ones seem to be in Southern California.

There are so many disasters overlaying each other right now that it is really difficult to keep one's brain focused on anything. We had our 'friend bubble' ,  two couples who join us for coffee at a picnic table in the Trail House parking lot after Zoom Pilates, for dinner last night. We sat on the porch for appetizers where we were bedeviled by flies and were on the edge of being too hot. We moved on to the the dining table in back to eat our dinner as the sun went down and we lit candles. There were no bugs at all and the temperature was perfect. 

Much as I love eating outside, I would gladly trade for a good rain if it brought the fire season to an end. 

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