
There was something very appealing about the sight of these Canada Geese caught flying in blue skies over Spring Lake .They often nest in the field at the bottom of our street but this isn't nesting season, so they might be just getting out of Dodge. I don't blame.

I have had offers of shipments of a bucket of Orkney rain from IainatCreel, Irish rain from freespiral, and Argyll rain from Weeflecky. What a lovely thought, although I fear the postage would no doubt be prohibitive. You Blippers are a wonderful lot. The first Northern California rains don't usually start (in non drought years) until the end of October or November. 
Since it was thunderstorms and dry lightning that ushered in the fire season on August 17th, it's anybody's guess what will happen this year. High winds are what we dread most...they usually arrive in October.

We are having a beautiful day today ,so John and I decided to take advantage of healthy air and moderate temperatures to take a walk around Spring Lake. I wasn't surprised to see quite a lot of people, babies and dogs who all had the same idea, but almost everyone had masks and kept a respectful distance. It must be working since the paper reported this morning that the number of deaths and hospitalizations from Covid are starting to go down although they have not yet been able to measure the effect of the Labor Day weekend since the two week incubation period hasn't elapsed yet. 

Staying home, eating outside and zoom PIlates have become almost 'normal'. So have unreturned phone calls, overworked restauranteurs  struggling to survive, and closed businesses. We stopped at the local shopping center to pick up some new solar lanterns, and I was shocked to see how many businesses were not just closed, but gone, replaced by For Rent signs in the windows.... 

I came home and spent hours on the Alabama Chanin trying to figure out their website and find a new project. It's the clothing equivalent to SloFood and may take awhile even to get here.

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