Rusty Kitty

I went over to Dana and Jim's to check on the three legged cat and her buddy Delilah. They have been indoor cats since Jim and Dana have been gone. I love Dana's garden and sat there for awhile with the cats so they could get a little outdoor air. Her garden is full of little, and not so little, surprises and this cat seemed like quite a charming new addition. It's only a mile away and there is quite a bit of reconstruction and renovation going on closer to us, but they seem almost completely removed from any such reminders.

The forever-being-built house now has new siding on it, which is an improvement from the raw plywood covered foundation, but we don't have the most salubrious view with the back of the house facing us. I have no idea what, if anything, has been done inside the house, but I can't imagine that they were able to do much finish work in there until the roof was on and the siding finished.

We left Blake and Spike at home by themselves while we went to see Kathy this morning. They seem to have adjusted to each other's company and there was no barking to be heard when we drove up the driveway. Even though they don't play together that much, I think it's good for Spike to have some company. Dana gets home tonight but since she has to leave first thing in the morning to go back to work and Jim, who usually works from home, is traveling we'll keep him until she picks him up after school tomorrow.

The paperwork for a Pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 12 has been submitted to the FDA and should be approved by Halloween. That will be good for Dana who has a few kids who are under 12, although she says that she doesn't know which kids are vaccinated and which ones aren't, and she's not allowed to ask.

And why not, is my question.

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