Autumn Equinox today.

The sun rose today on the date which marks the beginning of darker evenings and shorter days.
I was out in my dressing gown well before breakfast just enjoying the promise of another beautiful day.
I took the photo from the side of the summerhouse as the early sunshine caught the ancient mossy apple tree.
Now I’m sitting having my first coffee of the day after my porridge with a load of fruit piled on top, looking through a patio window which is misted up from the outside and there are snail trails traced in the condensation. Looking at them as they’ve wended their ways up and down and done some u-turns on the way, made me smile to think how far they had actually travelled till they reached terra firma once again!
I moved a few empty pots about yesterday and noticed that some of them are already sealing themselves onto surfaces ready for winter.
(I’m not ignoring today’s news, just choosing not to comment on it).

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